Cliff Humphries was a young man who drank in the Rovers one afternoon and who Bet Lynch noticed was drinking pints heavily. She remarked on the fact and he replied that she'd drink a lot if she had his job. He then asked if Annie Walker was ready as he was her driving instructor and he was here to take her for her first lesson. Bet did a double-take and warned Annie about Cliff's alcoholic intake as he put on a pair of thick pebble glasses and asked if she was ready or if there was time for another pint! The two women were momentarily stunned but Eddie Yeats who was witness to the exchange started to laugh hysterically and Bet realised what was going on - that Cliff was a friend of Eddie's and had been set up to play a joke on an unamused Annie. Cliff told Annie she only had to say the word and he'd drive her round the bend...