The City Magistrates Court in Manchester was where the case against Steve McDonald for handling stolen goods was heard in January 1992. He had sold a radio to Derek Wilton which had been taken from Alf Roberts' car by Carl Redfern, a friend of Steve's and his gang. When Alf recognised the radio and proved to Derek's satisfaction that it was his, Audrey Roberts called in the police. Steve was the only one to face the court as the police dropped the case against Redfern due to "inconsistencies".
Solicitor Miss Cassidy represented Steve in court where he pleaded guilty. She spoke up for him, citing his youth, the suffering caused to his parents by the matter, and Steve's excellent record to date. The magistrates fined him £100, to be paid back at £5 per week.
Background information[]
Location recording took place outside the real-life courts in Crown Square, Manchester and this location was cited in the programme rather than any fictional Weatherfield court building as is usually the case.