Coronation Street Wiki

Celia was the first illegal pick-up that Steve McDonald took for Street Cars during a battle against rival taxi firm GoLucky in May 2019. Celia was taken to Springfield Avenue in Bolton by Steve, who was grateful to receive a long-distance fare while attempting to salvage the ailing business. After helping the old lady out of his taxi, she immediately became distressed when she saw her old childhood home at No.42 now boarded up and after stating that she lived at the property with her mommy and daddy, Steve quickly realised that his passenger had dementia.

Concerned for Celia when she stated she had no family members that he could call, Steve decided to clock off for several hours and took her to Weatherfield Police Station and stayed with her in the reception area where they were both given refreshments while further enquiries were made. The enquiry officer on duty indeed confirmed to the pair that he'd managed to contact Celia's daughter Louise, who'd been worried about her "missing" mother. Steve further reassured Celia when he promised to stay with her until her daughter arrived to collect her from the station and he was praised by the officer for doing such a good deed, which he said was worth more than money.
