Coronation Street Wiki

Carys Tegid was a paramedic based in Llandudno who aided with the birth of Gemma Winter and Chesney Brown's quadruplets in October 2019.

Gemma had gone into labour while she and Chesney were riding in a cable car. As the labour progressed, Chesney hit the panic button, suspending them both in the air. With a technical issue preventing the car from returning to the ground, and the first baby on its way, Chesney spoke with Carys on the phone who instructed Gemma to get as close ot the floor as possible for the babies' safety, and to get an object to be used as a cushion. Carys told Chesney to instruct Gemma to lean back to see if the baby was on its way. Chesney saw the baby's head just as the car started moving again, so Carys told Gemma to push. The baby arrived immediately after, and Carys told Chesney to hold it to Gemma's chest.

As the car arrived back on the ground, Carys and her colleague Aled Ifans were waiting and immediately checked on the newborn. In the ambulance, Carys assured Gemma that the baby was okay but needed to be taken to the neonatal unit at the hospital. Aled informed Gemma that the second baby was on its way and was footling, meaning that there was a risk of complications. Carys told her she was a while off its arrival, but that she needed to be taken to the operating theatre. As Aled instructed Gemma what to do next, he urged Carys to drive the ambulance.

When they arrived at the hospital, Carys and Aled were able to leave Gemma and her firstborn in the care of the doctors and midwife Llio Fychan, who took the baby to the neonatal unit and Gemma to theatre for the remaining births. Although premature the quadruplets were born healthy, and in honour of Carys, Gemma and Chesney named one of them Carys Winter-Brown.
