The Bridge Inn was a pub that was an old haunt of Jamie Bowman, a friend of Luke Britton and an ex-boyfriend of his sister Steph. She had allowed Jamie to take unclothed pictures of her and after Jamie found himself deeply in debt and needing money from winning upcoming race car events, he used the threat of posting the photos in order to blackmail Steph's brother Luke into driving the race car. Although Luke did initially comply, he refused to be drawn in any further and despite trying to appeal to Jamie's better nature, he duly carried out his threat. When a reluctant Steph came clean to boyfriend Andy Carver, he and Luke tracked Jamie down to the Bridge Inn where he earned a punch in the face from Andy, a pint of beer over his head from his then-current girlfriend Zoe and an arrest from PC Matthews who was investigating an official complaint made by Steph.
- The pub used for location recording was the real-life Bridge Inn on Dane Road in Sale.