Billy Wyatt was Gina Seddon's Irish boyfriend in 1988. Gina was thrown out of her family's home in Arkwright Street by Eddie Seddon as he disapproved of Billy as he'd been in prison. After taking root at 13 Coronation Street with Sally and Kevin Webster, Gina brought Billy over to show him off to her sister and brother-in-law. Billy was brash and confident, describing his probation officer Jeff as a "personal manager", but was otherwise open about his circumstances, including being long-term unemployed and living in lousy digs with a man called Dave who had never had a job. Worried about Gina going off with Billy and getting into trouble, the Websters reluctantly let her stay at No.13, and so Billy was around for a while too.
Billy was interested in cars and saw Brian Tilsley about a job at Tilsley's Garage, where Kevin worked. Brian took him on over Kevin's objections, impressed with his motor knowledge. At the garage, Billy regaled Brian and Kevin with stories about his car history, including being able to park his Dad's heavy goods vehicle better than him at 14 and passing his driving test first time. When it came to graft, Billy was capable but he was more interested in road testing the cars than in fixing them.
Meanwhile, Gina didn't have a job and entertained Martin Platt at No.13 when everybody else was at work. Billy found them together and gave Martin a beating, dropping by the house after taking off from the garage in a customer's Vauxhall without permission. On returning to the garage, Billy was reprimanded by Brian but decided to quit, telling Brian he was banned from driving anyway.
That September, Gina turned up at No.13 again appealing to the Websters for help as she was being charged as an accessory to stealing a car with Billy. Gina got off with a £100 fine, but Billy received a custodial sentence.