Best Buys was the short-lived name given to the Corner Shop by Brendan Scott when he took over the establishment in July 1993 from Alf Roberts. After just a couple of weeks, Brendan decided that he wanted traditional retailing and changed the name to Scott's Provisions and decked out the shop in a Victorian fashion. Deirdre Barlow had to serve behind the counter in a pinny and mop cap, while Nicky Platt delivered orders on a rickety old bike. The enterprise did not go to plan, mainly due to Brendan's aggressive attitudes towards both customers and staff and in August, after working all hours, he suddenly collapsed and died of a heart attack on the floor of the shop in front of new employee Emily Bishop. Alf, missing working in the shop, bought it back from Brendan's widow, Debi, much to his wife Audrey's horror.