Coronation Street Wiki
Coronation Street Wiki

Bernard Snape was the husband of Sylvia Snape, the manageress of Snape's Cafe on Rosamund Street, an eatery that he co-owned. His main occupation was as a commercial traveller selling ladies' and fancy goods and consequently he was away from home for long periods. Both he and Sylvia were not behind the door when it came to being forward, as cafe assistant Doreen Lostock found out when he came home one evening in April 1961 and patted the shocked young girl on the bottom. She tried to slap him, but failed, and was surprised when Sylvia was amused rather than angry at her husband's behaviour. She then exchanged kisses with him when he spoke to her about returning to his conjugal rights as established in their wedding vows.

In July, the Snapes sold up to Leo Bonarti and moved to Newcastle.

There is some evidence that characters of Sylvia and Bernard were originally intended to be regular parts but actress Patricia Routledge, playing Sylvia, was not interested in committing to the programme long-term. Both her character and that of her husband abruptly disappeared after their final appearance, as did the cafe in time.