Coronation Street Wiki

The Bailiff and his colleague, masked due to the COVID-19 pandemic, called at 6 Coronation Street one day in February 2021 to begin enforcement proceedings on behalf of the county court against Yasmeen Metcalfe for a number of unpaid debts. The loans had been taken out by her deceased husband, Geoff during a nightmare period for her when he had been subjecting her to months of coercive control, subjugating her will and reducing her ability to say no to his demands. She had therefore signed the loan agreements without the ability to exercise any rational judgement as to the consequences of her actions. In the intervening two months after his death, she had stuck her head in the sand when it came to the red reminders and court summons, hiding the letters in a box which her granddaughter Alya Nazir had just come across. She was protective of her gran, trying to tell the bailiff that Yasmeen wasn't responsible, but he pointed out that as her name was on the court order, she needed to pay.

The bailiff said that they were there to conduct a controlled goods agreement which meant coming up with a payment plan that she could afford and in the meantime, they would make out an inventory of her belongings that they would take if the repayments weren't made. On the edge of panicking, Yasmeen agreed that they could make out their list and the two began to go through the house.

Two years later, the bailiff and his colleague called at the house of Mike and Esther Hargrave, a childless couple who Summer Spellman had agreed to be a surrogate mother for. Summer was alone in their house at the time and answered the door. She asked the two men to call back later but they produced a notice of intention to enter and pushed their way past her into the house. As Summer pleaded and remonstrated with them, the men started to collect the repossessed goods. Upon the couple’s return, they explained to Summer that their attempts at IVF had stripped them of their savings and further financial problems had compounded the problem.

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