Coronation Street Wiki

Andy was a police negotiator trained to deal with hostage situations who took part in the operation at a deserted building on Port Lane in March 2019 where within escaped convict Clayton Hibbs was holding his mother Shona Ramsey at knifepoint. Clayton had escaped from his fifteen-year jail sentence for the murder of Kylie Platt while attending the funeral of his father, Dane Hibbs, at the end of February 2019. He was desperate to avoid going back to Highfield Prison where he claimed his life was in danger from the other inmates who were pressuring him to smuggle drugs in.

Shona had taken him to the building but unbeknown to him she had also rung the police the next day to say where he could be found, claiming the call was his idea in order to get minimum extra time added to his sentence. After the police arrived, Andy, is his calm, softly-spoken Scottish brogue was the first to contact Clayton on his mobile, asking him how he wanted to work matters out as regards his surrender. Clayton refused outright to comply and told Andy that he had his mother hostage and threatened to kill her in one hour unless he was given £10,000 and a car. Andy asked for a short statement from Shona to assure him that at that moment she was unharmed and Clayton complied.

Clayton was thoroughly mystified as to how the police had obtained his phone number and instantly suspected Shona, proving the matter when he guessed the passcode to her own phone (his date of birth) and saw the record of her previous call to the police. In the meantime, David Platt had arrived outside, complaining that the police were taking no action and Andy had to persuade him that negotiations were a long game and patience was needed.

To stall on matters, Andy claimed that the car and money were being arranged with police headquarters but Clayton's patience was up. He went to kill his mother but she managed to grab the knife from him and stabbed her son in the guts, managing to make her escape, though covered in Clayton's blood and hysterical at her actions.

Credited as "Negotiator", Andy gave his name in dialogue in his first appearance.

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