Aaron Faraday was Shona Platt's support worker assigned to her as she recovered from an operation on Christmas Day 2019 to repair injuries sustained when deranged Derek Milligan had gone on a shooting rampage. She went into a cardiac arrest afterwards, causing the oxygen flow to the brain to be impaired. After some months in a Leeds rehabilitation centre, Shona started to make assisted visits home as her memory had been badly damaged by the events, so much so that she had no recollection of ever meeting and marrying David Platt and had ended up begging him to keep away from her as the confusion in her mind distressed her. A previous visit with case worker Alice Manley had led to Shona making her reacquaintance of her ex-employer Roy Cropper and his gentle ways had given her some reassurance, so much so that it was agreed that she could move into his flat with him and his niece Nina Lucas while she continued her recovery.
Aaron accompanied Shona when she moved in, arriving at the cafe early where David was eating breakfast. Up in the flat, he expressed the need for routine for his patient, being taken aback by how much of an expert Roy was on drawing up schedules and rotas himself. David was unable to keep away from Shona and Aaron agreed he could stay while they tried to help with her adjustment, but he found his wife's new personality difficult to cope with and was disturbed to see her attraction towards her good-looking support worker. Returning later in the day, he walked in as Shona all but leapt on a startled Aaron to kiss him. He told her that such actions were inappropriate and he would have to report the matter to his team manager. He did so and was told that he could continue in his support role if both Shona and David agreed, something they were both willing to do.
Aaron had to accompany Shona everywhere as she met people who knew her well but of whom she had no recollection. Her recovery was gradual and although not complete, she was eventually able to move back to 8 Coronation Street in the October with Aaron seeing her on her way. She still found adjustments difficult to make and notably lapsed, such as cutting the topknot off the head of Hugo, a customer at Trim Up North who had been rude to her. David talked Aaron through the inappropriate behaviour of his wife and was reminded that everything they were going through was a process. David also had problems with fending off Shona's sexual advances when he felt they weren't ready for such a step. Aaron had to break the bad news to David that he was having to reduce his working hours on Shona's case as other patients needed his help but assured him he was making great progress.
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